Is Hades Vault The Best Minecraft Prison (Better Than Pandora’s Vault and Poseidon’s Vault). Hades Vault is a upgrade to Poseidon’s Vault and Pandora’s Vault. Which if you don’t know Pandora’s Vault was made by Dream and is a Minecraft Prison on the Dream SMP. I escaped Hades Vault which both Hades and Poseidon’s Vault are made by SeenSven and he is Insane. But all these Prison are Inescapable (nearly).
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Credit @SeenSven @TheDeafCreeper @Hytech
Time stamps
0:00 – Intro
0:24 – Explaining Hades Vault
3:12 – Prison Escape Plan
5:38 – Which Is Better
7:08 – Outro
In todays video i explain all of these insane prison and which one is the best. The latest Minecraft prison is the best in my opinion But the Dream SMP Prison is also insane and was created by Dream and Awesamdude.
#HadesVault #PandorasVault #PoseidonsVault
Wow very strong and first comment
Which one do you think is the best Minecraft Prison
All these prisons have the names of Greek gods and then just vault at the end lol. I’m going to guess you probably like the dream smp and if you do then I recommend whatching sad ist’s new video hog hunt
Wow good video
Ah yes glad to see we're slowling re-creating the SCP facility
Going ham with the uploads
Here since 36
what is it with Minecraft and prisons when did this become a thing
Not for long my Aries vault is almost done
If you smuggle in a sign you can break a hole next to the bed then QUICKLY place the sign and you may be saying well then the alarm goes off but no it only goes off if a cobble stone regenerates but it can’t regen because there is a sign stoping it from doing that then lastly you swim out and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE then your free
This video is amazing and really high quality, earned a sub!
Working on Ares Vault, feeling good :DD