Let's Play Hades- Part 1: I'm Going Out Dad

I’m Going Out Dad and you can’t stop me!

My sister Goop is help me with this brand new Let’s Play. We play as Zagreus from Greek mythology. We are trying to escape Hades and are dad, Hades (Not going to be confusing at all!) is letting us die over and over again in hopes that we will give up. Not today Hades! The Gods and Goddess on Mount Olympus (like Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, etc.) and Nyx (Darkness Incarnate) are helping us.

Also, we get to pet Cerberus. That already makes this game the best!

Can Zagreus escape Hades?
Music (Outro)

Scourge of the Furies- Hades OST

#letsplay #hades #part1 #hadesletsplay #casualfridaygames #casualfriday


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