Let's Play Hades- Part 36: What Did We Do?!

In this episode, we talk about the cruel punishments that Demeter dished out to mortals. One of them being a punishment that effected everyone in the world. What did we do?!

We also curse out Chaos for not giving me the boon I want.

Can Zagreus escape Hades?
Link to Hades 2 Trailer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzJ_UhPptBQ

Music (Outro)

Scourge of the Furies- Hades OST

#letsplay #hades #part36 #hadesletsplay #casualfridaygames #casualfriday


1 thought on “Let's Play Hades- Part 36: What Did We Do?!”

  1. Been a while since I've watched one of your episodes here. I forgot how much I missed hearing yall talk about various myths while cutting your way out of the Underworld. And because I haven't watched an episode recently, I don't know if you've done any Pact of Punishment stuff. Specifically Extreme Measures. If not, I recommend it, Extreme Measures changes the boss fights at the end of the regions in really fun ways. Especially EM 3, with Theseus and Asterius.


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