for daily live streams – PoB/Gear/Tree
5:50 – Start of the 32 Heat run
Was supposed to play this when PoE slowed down for a couple leagues now and finally got around to it after the all the December events ended. Well worth the playtime and a fun little game to spend a week on which I’ll still play casually for a while longer while getting back to PoE or other stuff. Huge spoiler warning if you watch the 32 heat run so only do so if you’ve played the game or have no intention of playing it and wanna see what it’s like.
3.17 looks good
Truly an outstanding game. I feel like Hades puts the bar very high for roguelike games in the future.
Ok ok most fun build idea I've ever done: Aspect of Gilgamesh and aim for Poseidon's Tidal dash early on…. Then dash your way through the game.
Absolutely love this game and I also refused to use anything other than fists for my first heat 32 run. So fun so good would recommend to anyone.
thanks for the video
finally, non poe , also youtube still thinks its poe lol
Bastion was fucking awesome, Tansistor was kinda meh but Hades was REALLY fun, hoping for alot of dlc or some kind of expansion !
What a game bro?
Love this game
My favourite part of hades is how it has a similar character progression in 30mins as PoE does over 20 hours, as in you go from slowly fisting things to having explosions and random effects procing everywhere. It has an appeal that I think any HC PoE player will enjoy, as its the same sort of fun as PoE but given in much faster doses. I say HC PoE player because it is a roguelike so it appeals to that more, but SC players can still enjoy it if they are familiar with the genre.
Also the build diversity and game balance is perfection. Even if you get unlucky, you can still finish the run if you play well. Nothing gates your progression like some things in PoE do. The upgrades you get are to fill gaps between your skill level and the skill required to win. And this means there is infinitely many builds that are good and can win, compared to PoE where most builds struggle hard and feel shit to play without massive investment nomatter how much skill you have. No game I've played has reached the same balance that hades does.
Have to say, I saw more PoE streamers trying out Hades than I would expect. Idk if it was because it was the game everybody talked about when launched or because it has a similar appeal to us. Glad I saw you trying it out, more people should play it.
Good video. Fun to watch you playing other games i guess
a great man playing a great game.. what's not to love
I was able to follow along some of the streams, pretty cool to see the elements of progression and you way through it. The game has so much to offer and seems to be a great mix of great story and great gameplay 🙂
Recommend a game < warm snow >, which can be found on steam. It is also a roguelite type
Hades sure is one brilliant game. Highest I ever went so far was something like 14 heat? Absolutely fantastic run you pulled off there. Fun fact: you can avoid the lasers if you stay right on top of the final boss.
Hades is an amazing game. I love poe but sometimes it feels like there's too much of a grind to get to the good parts whereas Hades was an enjoyable experience from start to finish for me. I would like to see you do some Chiron, Hera and Beowulf runs. But fists are also one of my favorites.
Hades is one of the best games I've played in years. Would easily recommend and have before. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Supergiant Games knocked it out of the park and there's a good Noclip documentary on it's development I really enjoyed as well after playing it. Hades deserves any awards and accolades it gets imo! Glad to see Mathil enjoyed!
Hades has only been officially out for a little over a year now. It was in early access for a while but release was in August 2020. Fucking outstanding game. Supergiant was already an outstanding dev but they went so far above and beyond the call of duty for this one.
Also you can do the main story within like 10 hours but I have almost 200 hours and I'm still finding new dialogue here and there and my average runs are 20+ heat in under 20 minutes.
Hope you play till the end.
Hades is one of the few games that I thought "damn, they should've charged more for this". Feels like an easy purchase if it was $50-60, nevermind the actual price of $20-$30.
deal cell next?
Oh man your timing is wild I've just finished going back to the this game and beating it again. Extremely good. I really love it.
idk whene ever I choose the 7 min run limit per stage I get shit luck for damage mods. The games RNG can be really rewarding but when it's crap it's really crap.
I play PoE in HC coz its top roguelike )