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Really appreciate your consistency bro 👍😲😳👏🙏🥇
i have nothing to say a thing but great loadout 😃
This is a nice gunsmith
you have aimbot
I tried it and this is the best gunsmith I ever used for Hades
Mp code plz
It would be really entertaining to see you making a nuke video
This weapon is similar to the PP19 BIZON. Could the two of them be brothers??? 😁
Didn't you bought the new legendary one of this gun bro.
Woah seems like codm meta this Hades
wow will create a series where you make gunsmiths with 0 downsides? would really love to see it
Nice video
Do u play hardpoint ranked or normal
Pls let's play together
Bocw gunsmith is really good, its give high stats boost with minimal downside
Nice bro I am using your gunsmith for a long time now thanks a lot fir helping me out to improve
Awesome gameplay and gunsmith
What's the build?
finally a YouTuber that actually have some skill with the p2w shit
Bro your load outs are very good they help me a lot thank you so much bro
Where do you get your lobby mine is full of campers it’s a headache
Nice. But, in all honesty, not feeling this weapon, at all. 🤣😂🤣😂
wheres the gunsmith tho