NEW PERSONAL RECORD AFTER SO LONG! Fresh File To Credits In 4 Hours | Hades

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14 thoughts on “NEW PERSONAL RECORD AFTER SO LONG! Fresh File To Credits In 4 Hours | Hades”

  1. I just did my first 32 heat run with Chiron 😀 Before that I only did like 15 heat max and decided it's about time to spice it up! My hands are still shaking xD I just had to share this with someone 😉

  2. Really liked this video. I watch Haelian a bunch on youtube but only rarely on twitch. These runs remind you that the vast majority of Youtube Haelian Hades runs are kinda meme-y, or extreme for some reason or another. But most Hades runs are right in the middle of the bell curve. Fun to see Haelian perform in NORMAL circumstances like this.

  3. 20:50 casual here, but I absolutely hate dealing with butterfly ball unless I've got a very solid offense that can either rush it down before the first wave of adds rearm or else keep them from rearming while still dealing damage. I dunno about speed, but I certainly find the minotaur less threatening.


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