NEW TIER 5 SKIN for Hades – Crow of Torment

Crow of Torment Hades is the tier 5 skin from the Soaring Isles Odyssey. The skin can be acquired after purchasing all 16 bundles from the event – pricing: the pre-purchase amount for the event will be 8,000 gems. Each bundle will have an initial discount and cost 500 gems. After the discount expires, the bundles will cost 750 gems. The event will contain 16 bundles (1 skin, 1 cosmetic, and 10,000 Odyssey points) and 4 reward skins (Bun Hatz Hun Batz, Searing Seductress Sol, Cthuwu Cthulhu, and Crow of Torment Hades). The event will also include territories/voyages with quests you can unlock to earn cosmetics and boosters. The Soaring Isles Odyssey will go live on August 23, 2022.
Voiced by: Matthew Curtis
00:00 Form 1 – Intro
00:19 Form 1 – Basic Attacks
00:30 Form 1 – Abilities
01:20 Form 2 – Intro
01:32 Form 2 – Basic Attacks
01:43 Form 2 – Abilities
02:32 Voice Pack
04:54 Death
05:02 Recall
05:16 Sky of Crows
05:37 Clap
05:44 Wave
05:51 Dance
06:21 Special Emote
06:43 Defeat/Victory
#Smite #Hades #Tier5
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38 thoughts on “NEW TIER 5 SKIN for Hades – Crow of Torment”

  1. It's a cool Tier 5 Skin but lately tier 5s have been lackluster compared to older seasons tier 5 skins. And how come we didnt get to vote this year? or last year too? Also another Magical/Mage for the Odyssey? Aren't we still waiting for a Assassin and Warrior To get one? I'll give it a 7/10 maybe a 8/10.

  2. The crow form itself as well as both the human and crow voicelines are pretty damn dope. Its a shame the first part of the skin is kinda lack luster. While I think its cool, I dont think its worth T5 amount of gems, but tbh since its unlimited anyway, anyone can choose to get it should they change their minds

  3. Sure it looks really cool, but I really hate that they're cutting back on T5 skin features. Godslayer Ares and Stellar demise Baron were both just as clean but we got a 4-in-1 skin instead of this 2-in-1. Why am I complaining about this? Because if we give Hi-Rez an inch they'll take a mile. If people don't make a fuss they'll see it as a greenlight to cut back on future skins

  4. I'm over it. Haven't played all summer. Haven't seen skins worth buying because all the skins go to gods like these. So it's not worth my time, especially when I am hanging by a thread to find joy with this game in the first place. Maybe next year, they will change my feelings towards the game.

  5. Cool, but it almost feels like the skin is supposed to represent a collector being corrupted by a found cursed item. Almost makes me think there should be a non corrupted version where he is just a human hoarder of cursed trinkets.

  6. OMG. Guys, for real, even though visuals and sounds effects are well done. This is not enough for a T5 title and PRICE. Lets be honest, we need to stop supporting this kind of rip off from this Greedy and Lazy company, that istead of fixing the gameplay and servers, their priority is taking any peny possible with overpriced skins.

  7. Probably one of the more dissapointing T5 skins. The second form is dope, but that shouldn't be enough for a T5. Especially since the effects between the two forms barely change and the first form just looks boring. I feel like this should have just been two standalone skins.

  8. One of the bests t5 skins in smite history. Only below Cthulhu and Ullr. Much better than other one, by far. What is unique in t5s it's not about how many forms and effects it has, it's about new animations and concept, exclusive things and this skin is magic.
    I prefer a skin with same effects but with a NEW UNIQUE SET OF ANIMATIONS, not a skin with 3 forms but the animations are the same, just like Kukulkan t5 for example. That is boring. What is unique in t5s is animations and new stuff, not 3-4 skin forms in 1 skin. That's the boring stuff.

    And that's why Ullr t5 skin is the best and unique, don't have any crazy effects, only 2 forms that evolve at level 10 like this one, but is the best t5 because of his animations throwing skills and the concept, gorgeous. Exactly the same with this skin.

    You have to learn to appreciate the real quality. If I would a t5 with 4 forms, which means 4 skins inside 1, i can buy a lot of different skins for every God, the magic of a good t5 is this, exactly this. Play with a God that seems other new God cause of new set of animations and concept form.


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