OK I was worried about this run BUT THEN. | Hades

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26 thoughts on “OK I was worried about this run BUT THEN. | Hades”

  1. there isn't a speedrun title or prize (that ik of) BUT if you consistently time yourself + do really fast runs you get hermes dialogue. you also get hermes dialogue if you turn the in game timer off and on. my greatest achievement is sub-12 minutes. trying so hard to go sub-10!! also have you gotten the fated list of minor prophecy yet? if you have it you should get 1000 darkness for breaking out which you've already done. i usually use that to get myself the third dd, but if you don't feel you need it thats still a big darkness cache.

  2. I cheated my Stanley Parable achievement by just setting my clock forward by 5 years, opening the game, and then setting it back lol πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    Finding the Moon Berry in Celeste was a little difficult and some of the TF2 achievements are so silly that they stay at low% unless you're specifically gunning for them, so I'd say one of those two probably πŸ˜›

    I do have a thing on my steam page that says what my rarest achievements are in terms of lowest % of people who got them πŸ‘€

  3. can you even get all the gods before fighting the champions?
    assuming you fill the god pool in the first biome and use a keepsake to guarantee 2 more when you enter the second and third biome, you'd still only have 6/8 gods(not including hermes)
    and I'm not even sure manipulating the rewards with a keepsake is doable if the pool is filled

  4. maybe there is a description by the narrator you skipped, but i always figured that the mechanical inbetween rooms are "Lifts" built by Daedalus to ferry the other cthonic gods between the different realms in the underworld – like hades said in one of the remembrances, the elder sigil is only available to him a few select people (persephone and nyx i imagine) which grants unrestricted access to anywhere in the underworld (makes me think of how hades teleports dead people to fight you in the various levels – that's likely what the sigil allows you to do, teleport around).

  5. The epilogue is a trophy, I didn't get it on my first save file but I intend to do it on my second.
    The epilogue might be the hardest aside from those linked to "Thados's prize" since I don't know what it is (and don't want to be spoiled about it)

  6. The epilogue is a trophy, I didn't get it in my first save file but I intend to get it in my second.
    It might be the hardest one aside from those linked to "thados prizes" that I don't know what it's about (and don't want to get spoiled about it) or the ones related to hermes and thanatos keepsakes.

  7. I thought the rooms between biomes were the machinery that kept shifting the rooms in the Underworld (as the narrator and shiny POIs mention). As for achievements, I got Bad Call (use Olympian's greater call against them) and Thorns of Thanatos (30% damage from Pierced Butterfly) on the same run last Halloween to complete all the Hades cheevos. Rarest achievements — I have a handful of 1% cheevos in Stellaris, Surviving Mars, and The Long Dark, but the most satisfying might be getting Luck of the Irish (own all of the British Isles as an Irish nation, 2.1%) in Europa Universalis IV.

  8. 10:10 One of my hardest achievement was pretty recently in Yet Another Zombie Survivors, surviving 5 min without any hit.
    It took me as much time to get than the total rest of the game ! (about 125 runs or 10 hours, iirc)
    But bro, what an adrenaline rush when I got it !!
    And I enjoyed each second spent on that, 'twas fun !


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