Overconfidence is a Slow and Insidious Killer // HADES II

Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.
Hades II On Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145350/Hades_II/

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Hi! My name is Christopher Odd, and I’ve been playing video games online for a few years. I really enjoy a variety of games but generally lean towards games with a unique and engaging story (Bioshock, The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us, etc), strategy/roguelike games (XCOM 2 War of the Chosen, Darkest Dungeon, etc.), and RPGs (Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Dragon Age, etc). Of course, I am always looking for great indie games, too!

I stream live on YouTube! The upcoming streams can always be found at https://www.youtube.com/christopherodd/live.



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37 thoughts on “Overconfidence is a Slow and Insidious Killer // HADES II”

  1. I appreciate the buildup. Besides, the game can be very different for people depending on how it goes so if I skip I might end up missing story parts.

    P.s. please don't skip the dialogues before bosses ToT I get chomping at the bit but it's often the some of most plot-relevant thing

  2. For its all about the journey so I watch it all ❤🎉 ps Odd you need more speed certainly when you have the axe 🪓 last few rounds you were a bit too slow when you got hurt 💔

  3. I was just about to comment about how greedy you were in this run when you said you werent being patient enough.

    Also, in a game like this with constantly new dialogue every run I wouldnt want to skip around. Also please dont skip dialogue unless it starts to repeat.

  4. I definitely don't skip ahead. Maybe in another game or after many runs, but so much of the game is the variations and discoveries every attempt. Even without the buildup, no idea what you'll be missing by skipping.

  5. I like the build up, purely because it offers insight into your playstyle and your decision making. Skipping that build up would be skipping what makes your video unique for me. Loving the vids!

  6. Not sure if you noticed, but the boon for your cast (before swapping for solar ring) was for your normal cast, not the omega cast. So you could have been dropping it quickly and mana free.

  7. Just to cruelly point out some numbers, you know you'd have to take 500 damage for a 10% damage reduction to break even with 50 armour, right? 😂

    More actually, as the "breaking" hit on armour doesn't carry over into health. i.e. If you had 2 armour left and took a single hit for 60 damage, it could only do 2 damage.

  8. The fact you let the dialog play out, read everithing there is to read, let the cutscene play and all that make the build up is the main reason why i'm following your content for years now, don't change that !

  9. It would be so disappointing if you skipped the dialogs… at least the new dialogs. I'm here for the story as much as the gameplay. And i never skip ahead. The journey is part of the fun.

  10. I agree with you Chris, I like the build up. Of course I'm old now and I have been subscribed to you for something like 8 years, and I like watching you work through your thought process.

  11. The missed attacks on Hecate were due to Daze from your attacks (20% chance to dodge).
    A quick tip for the axe that really helped me, you can charge up the omega attack away from the enemy and then dash into them to start spinning. This lets you dash over some attacks while having the omega fully charged.
    (Also +1 for the build up)


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