Patrochilles reunion boards/animatic (Hades Game)

when i first saw that achilles animation by toastyglow i made it my personal mission to get these two back together and when i finally did i just really had to make this ksjdsdjksd
i came up with the thumbs in august and started taking seriously in october. im really happy i got it done :))
boards done on procreate with some camera stuff on blender


34 thoughts on “Patrochilles reunion boards/animatic (Hades Game)”

  1. OH THIS IS PERFECT. This might be my favorite patrochilles reunion art I've ever seen!! The care taken with the backgrounds, the music, their faces,,, the wide shot at the end and the way the drop to the ground together,, UGH I LOVE IT

  2. Oh this is wonderful. I love that, with the distance shot you can't see all the details but the movements are clear, so you can take Achilles' words of "it looks mournful" when they fall to the ground and be like, if you had no context "maybe they're mourning something" But they ain't ;v;

  3. I actually cannot get over how emotive and stunning this looks and feels. The expressions! Brief but feels so full and I love every second. The details you put into the background! I absolutely adore them. This feels truly cinematic. Amazing work. I hope you do more in the future!

  4. I absolutely adore this! The way Achilles just starts running the moment he can, the way they fall together, the long shot frame that make it seem like we're looking in at a private moment from afar! It's amazing ๐Ÿ˜


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