I’m just trying this alone combo, this look so good~
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Cosmo legend yg cocok buat alone apa bro?
i can see youre enjoying caim
How to counter alone?
Emang si guilty gunanya apa yk bang🤔 di pake mulu
Alone dewa geh
Guilty sdh gak bisa masuk meta jamir kayak dulu lagi kah 🤔
Te best team for alone??
Yo Arewzo, what's the stat priority for this dude? C.dmg or c. Att? Life steal at all or speed?
If Artemis reset guilty she take off the buff??
Will he be META? Alone vs DC Aldebaran?
Have you guys thought if we put life robbery on Alone? he would be a monster he would never die
shungc fully charged with 2 guilty stacks would have won the game ez.
Nice combo!
Can you try to exploit the symbiosis mechanic in next Alone video?