SUPER SPEAR STABS! Use This Zagreus Spear Build To EASILY Beat High Heat | Hades

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23 thoughts on “SUPER SPEAR STABS! Use This Zagreus Spear Build To EASILY Beat High Heat | Hades”

  1. Talking about most hours played… First ever was Baldur's Gate 2. I think I wasted half a year of my life on that game. After that Neverwinter Nights 2. Another half a year. Had a good time though and the story was awesome.

  2. I probably have well over a couple thousand hours between the different stalker and metro games, especially the offline stuff that wasn't recorded back when I was in high school and didn't have internet 99% of the time.

  3. Always appreciate some Hades content even though you've covered it extensively. I caught you on stream earlier this week and asked about Frostpunk. If you haven't checked it out, I think it might be something you would be interested in. Just thought I'd throw it out, especially considering how many incredible games you've introduced me to.

  4. The spear is cool, but I feel like each aspect supports a very limited sort of playstyle. I always feel confined to certain attacks when I use it. Then again, I never really use Achilles, which is probably the one that has the most flexibility. Aspect of Zagreus just has me spamming the special the whole time, and Aspect of Hades just has me going for the big spin. It feels awfully boring compared to Exagraph, Malphon, and Coronacht.

  5. I honestly love Vampire survivors, it was the game that lead me to a bunch other roguelites. The issue I have with VS is that it’s just too easy. You can never die in VS if you choose to, unlike Brotato, for example. Idk, it needs some kind of extreme mode or smth, otherwise it’s just not challenging enough.

  6. I bought Vampire Survivors before I started watching you, have a little less then 50 hours in it. Still amazing, 3 USD got me 45 hours of enjoyment getting 100% achievments. 2 USD for the DLC has already gotten me 5 more, and I'm still not done yet.

    DLC is actually the best part of the game so far too, and they said they plan to keep it up along these lines


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