[TABS] Hades – Good Riddance (Kalimba Cover)

Dedicated to my discord wifey Scarfs πŸ₯°
Check out her amazing art here: https://instagram.com/scarfs_art?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Let’s connect c:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minimoonkalimba/
Discord: https://discord.gg/rxZxzYVztu

Below are the tabs I arranged.
Tuning: change both F keys to F#

(3’ 3) 7 (7’ 5-7) (4-6 6’) 1’
6 3 (1’-3’ 1’’) (7’ 1) 3 (5’ 5) (4 6’) 6 1’
7’ 6’ (5’ 1-3-5) 2 4

(3’ 3) 7 (7’ 5-7) (4-6 6’) 1’
6 3 (1’-3’ 1’’) (7’ 1) 3 (5’ 5) (4 6’) 6 1’
7’ 6’ (5’ 1-3-5) 2 4

(3’ 3-5) 7 (5’-7’ 5) (4 4’-6’) 6 1’
(6 6’) 3’ (1’ 6’-1’’)
(7’ 3) 5 (7’ 7)
(4 4’-6’) 6 1’
(3’-5’) (3’-5’)
1 3 5 3

(4 2’-4’) 6 1’ 6
(3’ 3) 5 (2 2’)
(3’ 1) 2’ (3’ 3) 5 7 1’ 7 5 3

(3’ 2) 4 6 4
(2 2’) 4 (6 4’) 4
(5’ 1) 4’ (5’ 3) 5 7 1’ 7 5
(5’ 3) (2 4’-6’) 4 6 1’ (5’-7’ 7) 1’’

5 (3’-5’ 3) (4 4’-6’) 6 1’ 7’ 7’ 1 3 5
2’’ (4 1’’) 6 1’ 7’ 7’ 1 3 5

5’ (4 4’-6’) 6 1’ 7’ 7’ 3 5 7
2’’ (4 3’’) 6 2’’ 1’’ 2’’ 3 5
(7 7’) (4 1’’) 6 1’ 2’’ 2’’ 3 5 7
2’’ (4 1’’) 6 7’ 6’ 7’ 1 3

(5’ 5) (4 4’-6’) 6 1’ 7’ 7’ 3 5 7
(7’ 2’) (4-6-1’ 4’-6’-1’’) 6’ 5’

(3’ 3) 7 (7’ 5) (4 6’) 1’
6 3 (3’ 1’’) (7’ 1) 3 (5’ 5) (4 6’) 6
7’ 6’ (5’ 1-3-5) 2

(3’ 3) 7 (7’ 5-7) (4-6 6’) 1’
6 3 (1’-3’ 1’’) (7’ 1) 3 (5’ 5) (4 6’) 6 1’
7’ 6’ (5’ 1-3-5)


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