Teen logon k bare me Na hi Pocho | Hadees Sharif | Hades | Islamic Urdu PAKISTAN |

It was narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that: May Allah have mercy on the servant who wronged his brother in respect of his honor or wealth, then came to him before he was caught (on the Day of Resurrection) and asked for his forgiveness. , and there will be no dinar nor dirham.
Al-Saheeh Number (3265) Sunan Al-Tirmidhi Kitab سفَةِ الْقيامةِ وَالرَّقِيقِ وَالْوَرِّ Chapter What Happened in Shaan Al-Hisab… Number (2343)
The correct series
Hadith number: 115

It was narrated on the authority of Fazla bin Ubayd that: Do not ask about three people: the person who separated from the congregation, disobeyed his ruler and died in disobedience, and the slave girl or slave who ran away and Death, and the woman whose husband was away, let her be distracted by worldly needs. He then recited, Do not ask about them, and do not ask about these three people: The person who tried to pull the cloak of Allah Almighty and the cloak of Allah is arrogance and his punishment is honor. , and the man who doubted the command of Allah and (the third person) who despaired of the mercy of Allah.


Teen logon k bare me Na hi Pocho | Hadees Sharif | Hades | Islamic Urdu PAKISTAN |


34 thoughts on “Teen logon k bare me Na hi Pocho | Hadees Sharif | Hades | Islamic Urdu PAKISTAN |”

  1. تاجدار ختم نبوت زندہ باد صلی الله عليه وألہ وسلم صلی الله عليه وألہ وسلم علیہ السلام سلام اللہ علیھا رضی اللہ عنہ رضی عنہما

  2. Allah pak apny peyare Habib Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa SAWW k chehra e anwar k sdqy sbko dunia akhrt ki bhalai ata kre
    صلی الله عليه وآلہ وسلم أمین صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم

  3. Allah pak apny peyare Habib Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa SAWW k chehra e anwar k sdqy sbk walden ko sehat wali lmbi zndgi ata kre
    صلی الله عليه وآلہ وسلم أمین صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم

  4. Aslamwalikum wa rehmatullahi wa barkatuhu. Great brilliant excellent outstanding very good beautiful hadees. Trillions and Trillions of times and much more than Trillions of times very good beautiful hadees. Allah hafiz

  5. Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️
    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️
    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️

    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️
    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️
    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️

    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️
    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️
    Subhanallah Mashallah ❤️


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