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Hades 2 Playlist!
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#gaming #roguelike #hades
actually first, hype
Holy shit bloodlines letsgo
1 complaint I have about Hearththrobs: If you spend 80 mana on a single move, you still get 1 (or 3 with sunny dispo) throb instead of 2(or 6)
I wouldn't mind being recreationally hit by a sheep-ball tbh
the heartthrobs cap at 6 kinda killed sunny ngl
I love seeing the entire map just covered in a sea of green vases. Funerary urns was such a great addition to Hades' boon arsenal. My one complaint is that I'm so used to fighting him I keep expecting to get hit when they set off.
Trivia time!
Funerary urns were ceremonial grave markers in Ancient Greece used to denote the resting places of wealthy individuals. Urns were a common fixture in the houses of rich Greeks, and so a custom urn dedicated to the deceased was placed to highlight their affluence or status. The degree of significance of the urn varied from city to city and between urn types. In Athens, the deceased were often cremated and their remains placed within the urn itself, a tradition that has survived to this very day. Other city-states and the older Mycenean civilization tended to bury their dead, sometimes in quite elaborate tombs.
But funerary urns did still serve as fixtures in these more elaborate graves. Some of them were deliberately styled after Lekythos, a type of urn used for ceremonial religious practices including anointing the bodies of dead unmarried women and tributing them oil on their way to the afterlife. Other times, the Lekythos would be used for its intended function and then left in the tomb of the deceased. Some Lekythos even had moments from the life of the deceased or depictions of rituals meant to aid their passing into the Underworld. Depictions of our man Thanatos carrying the dead gently to their afterlife or the wake of the body are also found on urns of the time.
Often times a more accomplished individual would have a stylized drinking cup used as their funerary urn, a sign of their achievements to celebrate their life as much as mourn their death. Athletes were awarded massive drinking vessels called amphora that could be as tall as a person. In death, some athletes had their achievements recorded on a funerary amphora placed in their tombs.
Those whose achievements in life were more mercantile in nature might instead have a krater, a type of alcoholic mixing bowl, depicting the wild parties they threw. These cups were commonly used at parties called symposiums where aristocrats would lounge around on couches or slabs and drink wine while socializing (not much has changed on that front…). A much more interesting practice of the aristocracy was to have drinking vessels with stylized masks on the bottom, so that when they tipped up their drinks they would briefly adopt the appearance of a mythological character like Dionysus or a satyr, an iconic animal like Athena's owl or a mask used in a stage play.
Funerary urns also tended to depict stylized Greek characters them, typically at a point of high drama within their lives. This is often how we know about the appearances of specific Greek characters as they were originally depicted in the earliest days of Greek mythology, such as Scylla's original two-tailed morph with six dog heads around her waist, the sword used by Hermes to slay Argus Panoptes or the different types of armour worn by Athena across her cultural depictions.
The Greeks would depict great tragedies on their urns to reassure the living, showing that even the mightiest of heroes endured moments of great suffering in their lives and yet were able to persevere through their greatest moments of sorrow. This connection would help the living to come to terms with their loss. Fitting, then, that the funerary urns bestowed to us in this game are given to Mel by Hades as a way to use some of his power to help reconnected with her and lessen the sense of loss of her own childhood and home life to Chronos' invasion.
Gad dayum that was a cool run and that omega attack channel speed was ridiculous LOL
yes pot: 5
no pot: 9
pot counter is back 2 whoop ur ass boatman there were like 12 pots in the tart miniboss room and u hit T H R E E of them i-
congrats on 500 pearls
Visual clarity was out the window by the time you got cinerary circle, but after, nothing could be seen.
Imagine someone that has never played hades 2 sees this Tart, what would they even think the game was?
Pls Supergiant make a Hermes boon that when you travel inside your non omega cast(aka normal cast) you get 100% movement speed and bounce inside .
Beyblade boon pls. I would love to see more creative stuff being thrown into the game.