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I like to leave comments. I just never know what to say….
He didn't even hesitate to say "fuck you daddy"
Welcome Back
Interesting note, i just got this combo in the inverse the other day
It was absolutely insane
poppyhogwash gave me anxiety
You are the Xletalis/Witcher of Hades. No secret or combination stays hidden for long with you. 😁
One Crit = one Meg. That was really insane.
Thank you, Andy, for saving us 15 minutes of Dan saying "it's gonna happen, I promise."
But also, curse you for depriving us of 15 minutes of Chat roasting Dan for making them wait.
I have NEVER gotten this combo in my almost 500 runs in Hades. I thought I've done everything in Hades but I guess I'll go for a few more runs now.
you can savescum in hades?
We did the impossible, boys
When one of my favorite streamers/youtubers says he doesn't like one of my preferred options, I listen. It's a really good point that Support Fire looks flashy but doesn't really do that much.
This was actually very similar to my first win ever! Same hammers and similar boons!
i suck at leaving comments, keep up the good content though!
I have gotten this combo in the reverse order, I'm pretty sure
i just got this combo in the inverse order earlier but barely got to have fun with it since the run ended up going Hunting Blades/Greater Recall with Vicious Cycle as soon as i hit Styx…just tossing blades then chucking fully charged Aphro spears from a distance
Didn't he have Privileged Status on? Why not take Crush Shot along with Snow Burst to activate it in one action?
recently got Hades and after watching a lot of Haelian i felt very prepared
This is definitely one of my favorite spear builds I’ve stumbled across