Roblox Pet Simulator X
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#Roblox #Petsimulatorx
Cheaper alt: 8 hell chick 4 hell rock
Man im a gonna buy the luck gamepass man its too overpower..
DAT you do
Please pet
Ramul: spends 52 billion on eggs
Me who just finally got 1 billion fantasy coins today: 😐
next vid do 2 hell hound 2 hell rock and 8 hell chick and pls shout out me
If he buy the normal hell egg, he could have around 5200 pet or more
I'm laughting so much lol hahahaha
bruh i am so late Btw great video
I love it when he says: dees one
bro give thoes away not deleted them dumb fk'
What if the amount of power u put in gives u pet of equal power or gives u higher chance
my own method is 6 hell hounds and 6 hell rocks or 8 hell hounds
Do they have the same enchant lol
Just do 5 chickens, 2 hellhounds, and 4 rocks, best fusing combo ever.
there is no best method u have to fuse 8mil total pet power from the hell egg for a really high chance to get a golden legendary
I got a rb hell hundon and its 9.9m power
my method that works 50% of the time, 8-9 hellhound or 11-12 hell rocks
I found if you do 8 hounds or 10 mil of damage in total with any pets it is like 45 percent chance so
7 hellhounds and chicken is the best combo ever made in the history of pet sim x i wont dissappoint u
11:21 * insert Laughability laugh * xdddd
DO 8
Luck Luck Luck
uhhhhh, did no one get triggered at the fact of how many pets he deleted and could have given some players pets
4 spiders give chance and also 4 demons give chance so like 8m power in the fuser
Try 11 rock. Im not joking!