Transformers: Prime 10th Anniversary Hades Megatron (Hasbro Pulse Exclusive) REVIEW

Had run to get his during my lunch break as I knew they would sell out soon. Luckily I got there in time and here is the review enjoy.
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27 thoughts on “Transformers: Prime 10th Anniversary Hades Megatron (Hasbro Pulse Exclusive) REVIEW”

  1. you missed the parts showing the stickers on megatron and the gorilla minion, the video got stuck on the bat's face.

    and the Y in scythe is pronounced like the I in side, not like the I in sith.

  2. They could have taken the TF Prime Megatron first edition and add the accessories, but not. It was better to choose the creepy mold and add chrome on it. I think I will cancel my preorder.

  3. i find it a bit lazy that hasbro didn't do painted on detail instead went with stickers (that customers apply) i always think that paint should always be the only option unless the figure is 4th/3rd party (no faction logos are on the figures) because stickers for me make the figure feel cheap and like they couldn't be bothered plus they are more likely to come off especially on transformations where parts will touch while transforming also that dark master figure is a upscale of the first edition megatron so no the anniversary edition is not the first edition megatron mold i think its actually one of the ones that came after the first edition megatron


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