We discuss the myth of Persephone and Hades, episode 29

What do you do when you’re just taking time to smell the roses and the god of the underworld happens along? Come sit with us for a spell and hear as we tell you all about it! We here at Witches Talking Tarot love the Hades and Persephone myth, so we are excited to invite you along as we journey through time and space to the mythological lands of the ancient Greeks. Hear how Gaia (again) lends a hand in stirring the pot. What does Demeter do after her beloved daughter is led astray? Join us and we’ll spill the tea! Tell us your favorite myths on Twitter @ClassiestWtches see what we’re up to on Instagram @WitchesTalkingTarot check out our merch at www.patreon.com/witchestalkingtarot See Amber’s altar art at www.amberisthecolor.com Visit Maddie’s magical apothecary at www.peaceloveandtealeavesshop.wordpress.com


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