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What if you could unlock the ability to "block" 1 or more hammer choices from appearing before you begin the run? You could remove hammers from the pool that you would never take anyway cause they would kill/be useless for your build. Then with fewer hammer options in the pool, you would have better odds of getting that one hammer you really want, without having too much control over it. Obviously, there would be a limit to how many hammers you could block.
Try making pork grinds, or bacon covered deer meat sausage; it slaps if you cover the bacon with cinnimon.
> Gets Hard Target 50% very early
> Forgets about getting it three separate times later in the run
So the point is to not have an op build in this game? They kinda cut you at the legs with the rng to get a cracked build
I think one of the main reasons you shouldn't be able to reroll hammers is because an "unlucky" hammer can force you to ADAPT. Games like Hades are largely about adapting to what you're given, and if you can cherry pick everything that sense of it being an uphill battle to make a good build would be greatly diminished.
That being said, I wish you could get more choice from the Icarus hammer. My idea is you can choose between one hammer option or a penalty, like damage taken, so you can at least avoid a hammer that kills your run.
I love the idea you had in a different vid of making rerolling hammers a Hephaestus boon. It’d have to be a tier 2 or higher but it fits too perfectly
Of course Dan FINALLY remembers not to take any common boons for the phial only to screw it up anyway by using the fountain early 😂
Maybe one thing hammers could do is offer at least one attack and one special focused hammer each time you pick one up. Because it feels really bad when you have an attack focused build and you’re only offered special hammers, or vice-versa
Maybe it could cost more dice to roll the hammers. Like 2 dice for 1 roll and 3 for the subsequent rolls? they could also add the ability to roll hammers to "The Seer" arcana card for more exclusivity.
Hermes' lego does give you a 4th DD btw
I mean in the moment i want to be able to, but i think it'd enable being very strong consistently
Of course Close Call gives a fourth DD. You can arrive at Chronos with 6 DDs (3 Arcana, 1 Close Call 1 Toula 1 Skelly) – been there done that. Also managed to lose all of them 🙂
they gotta add a reverse heat thing thats honestly just for fun to make your game crazier but only unlock this after you've done with everything that could be fun
I think from a perspective of fun, we should be able to re roll hammers. We can re roll boons and still not be guaranteed to see the ones we want, so I don't think it would be overpowered. Plus, I think making re rolls work for doors and boons/wells on the same run was one of the best changes from 1 to 2. Let us roll anything.
The anvil was always such a tempting option, but it was always so late that it felt too risky. I love Experimental Hammer now for another hammer roll. Maybe there could be mini anvils that trade 1 hammer for 1 hammer, like a boon swap
Does the real hecate have some sort of different animation when she divides into tree? I don't know how but my eye always seems to catch which one is the real one
maybe adding the ability to re roll hammers or force a specific hammer as a legendary offering from icarus! wouldn’t be that useful right now without the rest of the surface zones in the game, but when the surface is fully implemented it would be a game changer for any run where you’re lucky enough to get it.
I think re-rolling hammers, in the long term, would hurt the game's variety. If you can just rig things to get the same three to five good hammers for each weapon, a chunk of them will go completely unused by a lot of players.
I do like myself some private time with youtube Haelian <3 😀
Instead of rerolling hammers it'd be nice to have the odds of each reward to be skewed by boon keywords, where by default it rolls like you have "1" of each keyword. So for example, if you had an aphro attack you would be more likely to have attack or omega attack-related hammers and that liklihood would go up the more attack-related boons you have
I wouldn't mind seeing hammers be rollable but a fear option to turn that off.
maybe there should be an expensive grasp card that lets you reroll hammers, so you can do runs with and without the ability. it means you have to work your arcana setup around rerolling hammers if you want to do so and choose between the different arcana buffs
I think maybe it shouldn't be something that you can access too early as that would definitely ruin that 'rouge-like' feeling. Maybe it would cool if it's unlocked in the cauldron after advancing the story with icarus? Then it's not something that you're going to get early but something that people who have put alot of hours into the game can access
I feel every time Inser out to build a specific build, e.g. omega Special circe, I get all the attack hammers and no Special ones, praying I get am anvil before chronos.
I could attempt to pivot my build, but thats not what I want.
I would like to reroll hammers, or upgrade to 4 choices.
You did use the special after hekate, breaking a pot.
Rerolling hammers is the number one thing I wish they add to the game. It's always to disheartening to pick up a hammer and get 3 options that do literally nothing for your build. Heck, I would gladly even spend a reroll + a death defiance to roll those away.
The best part is that certain someone yapping about stuff when they need to save the fountain, using it and then realizing what the hell did they do… never punished tho. These streamers, shaking my SMH.
Ad hammers: I think the reroll on them gets more valuable as your vow/heat pact gets higher, so it would be nice if they incorporated it in in such a way that you can reroll once your vows hit certain threshold, with number of rerolls being limited by the vows (more vows, more rerolls, up to 3 or something like that, so it's not totally bonkers). OFC this doesn't help you when you take the vow that disables you arcana board, but that's a whole another can of worms. Anyways, allowing you to reroll hammers once it gets kinda important (high heat) would be a fair trade IMHO.
As for grilling, I recommend any slab of tender meat that was properly marinaded (= for at least 24h). It's so delicious, just don't overcook it so it stays nice and juicy. Personal fav is pork tenderloin done in this way, so tasty. You can use any marinade you like, that's more of a personal preference IMO.
On the hammer conversation, personally I'd prefer to be able to sell a hammer in something like the pool of purging from the first game.
Having a familiar that lets you reroll hammers sometimes sounds like a good way to do it or maybe a hephy boon that lets you reroll your current or later hammers
You do get the extra Death Defiance from the Hermes boon! I once had 5 Death Defiances at the same time – 3 from the Arcana card, 1 from Skelly keepsake, 1 from Hermes boon. Was probably a tad more than I needed though. 😅
its a single player game so in your case of beinga youtuber just go into the game settings an enable hammer rolling to get your videos easier ig
I modded in hammer rerolls.
Luck is still a factor because rerolls can still screw you over by giving you the same 4 bad options even if you use all your rerolls. Which is heartbreaking.
I think being able to roll hammers would allow players to optimise the fun out of the game.
My thoughts on rerolling or influencing hammers is that hammers are strong enough that you shouldn't be able to reroll them, but I do believe your weapon and aspect should have a little more influence over what hammers you get. (perhaps, for example, on an aspect focused on the attack you're guaranteed at least 1 attack when you pick up a hammer. It sucks to be doing an attack run and only get special hammers and vice/versa.)
Wanted to ask. If I don't want to play with the timer what fear effects should I put for 32 fear?
How the hell are you so slippery? Your dash timing is incredible
11:42 a trick i have found when i accidentally use fountain before phial (or purchase the wrong item in shop) is to quit and reload immediately , this loads the chamber entry again with same inventory
feels like we should not be allowed to do that but i abuse it more than I should 😅
I'm of two minds about hammers as well. Certain hammers are so strong they can make runs on their own. So if you can guarentee them it makes the run a cakewalk. I think an interesting change they could do is with the anvils. As they are they're basically a random thing that shows up at the end of the run and maybe ruins or saves a run but they're rare enough and if your run is fine they're useless. I think it could be interesting to have them be stationary objects in a room, maybe in the "final room" in a zone, or maybe at the end of zone 2 and 4. And the anvil lets you reroll a hammer of your choice, that way there's still that limit of you can't use your dice for it so you can't force the best ones that autowin, but you still have some influence that lets you reroll a little bit.
Would you ever make a guide on dodging (dash/sprint)?
For instance, I notice good players not only have good timing, but they know which direction to dodge to in order to maximize damage and mitigation.
I think a lot of these little things don't come natural to some of us.
Rolling hammers makes it very easy to force a build in a way that's uninteresting. In hades1 it made it 90~% likely to get the two insane rail hammers, for example.
“A true one-button build” he says in Tartarus, meanwhile you’re also constantly dashing around lol
i think hammer rerolls would be way to game breaking. I wish there was a way to make it so they wouldn't be all the same type because it sucks so much when you get a hammer on like a special build and you get all attack options. I think maybe being able to reroll but it only actually rerolls 1 of the hammers (without you being able to pick) so the cost of rerolling is so much higher as it's likely to be just a waste of a reroll
I think the mid-ship in Fields appears every single time in the Chaos trial for Hermes, where they give you metallic droplet and tight deadline.
I'd rather not have the option to roll every hammer. It would take the fun out of the RNG options and we already have the Experimental Hammer. Sometimes being forced to pick a hammer upgrade you wouldn't otherwise can make for a more creative run, and sometimes I'll give up on a run if I'm still in Erebus (though that happens way less in Hades 2 than it did in the first one.) If anything I would prefer another Arcana card, let's say for a cost of 5, that gives you the option to re-roll a hammer once per run.
I would like to have the ability to reroll hammers. Perhaps it could be part of one of the arcana. I would even be fine with it taking 2 dice for the 1st roll.
27:55 – 2130!
You doing any 32+ fear runs or are you waiting till it gets a bit further into EA before you start really ramping that up?
I kinda miss the stream highlight videos