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8 views in 2 mins dan fell off
At this point I've stopped questioning the hats… ALL HAIL THE HAT-MAN!!!
i was just about to go to sleep
I tried to do a boonless run and had to purge 2 boons, but the purging well only appeared in tartarus. What causes the purging well to spawn? I noticed it spawned for Haelian at the end of erebus but not for me
One of the runs of all time 🌝
The Great "Shiny Sea Star Stroll" is on the tubes lesss gooo
Holy shit. That was so silly. The build was terrible but so fun
I miss double-up
idk about everywhere else, but here in the midwest, I can walk into most grocery stores and get bags of chocolate covered pretzels by the pound. Hell, my mom would sometimes make homemade dipped pretzels using melted almond bark or whatever the white stuff is they use for them
Why the ha- ugh nevermind
Here in Sapporo chocolate-covered chips are actually something of a specialty you buy as gifts, not kidding.
"hm, i havent watched halien in a while, i guess ill check this video out… POPE DAN THE FIRST????"
I know there is no synergy, but Sea Star + Phase Shift hex + Hecate keepsake + Exhaust Riser = Star Platinum build…
26:12 I have way more issues with polyphemus/eris than hecate/scylla but maybe that's just me.
the only thing sillier than the run is the hat and the only thing sillier than the hat is that apparently Haelian doesn't know what chocolate covered pretzels before LMFAOOOO
I'd like to see this build going up to Olympus and picking up Supply Lines from Icarus. Imagine doubling each of the pom slices lmao. You could hear Poseidon like 6 times.
I like the pretzel rods… 🙁
I feel like you should at least get extra copies of Chronos's corpse-sand or something
And then get a pom from last night with Echo and keep going for a higher %
3:50 dan not believing chocolate covered pretzels are a common snack as an american is crazy
4:17 & 8:54 How did he see cocoons twice in one run??? I thought you could only see them once.
Why Sea star level 37 with 100% does not double the pom?