What I Watched in May… While Playing Hades

Hiya! This month has been blah, creatively. So, here’s my very late list of everything I watched in May, while I play Hades!

If you want more gameplay, let me know. This was super fun and I’ve been wanting to do more game capture!

MovieJawn: http://www.moviejawn.com/
All of my MJ Work: https://bit.ly/3szQGow

You Can’t Sit With Us (Book Report): https://bit.ly/3zIwAfI
YOUR NAME Feature: https://bit.ly/3ocPshM
A KNIGHT’S TALE Feature: https://bit.ly/2TIUnfb
Tommy C. Appreciate Club (Mission: Impossible): https://bit.ly/2TIUo2J
Logan Lucky video: https://youtu.be/-AD-quOeyzQ

My Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emilymaesar
Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/emilymaesar/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilymaesar


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