Apparently people hate this weapon but I feel like it's OP? | Hades 2 Olympic Update

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33 thoughts on “Apparently people hate this weapon but I feel like it's OP? | Hades 2 Olympic Update”

  1. Opinions can absolutely be wrong lol.

    Some people have the opinion that the earth is flat. They are categorically wrong.

    Opinions on matters of TASTE cannot be wrong.

    Thinking is like the one thing we are born able to do. Let's all do it more, yeah?

  2. I think the skull feels like the wonkiest weapon to me, I’ve never been crazy about the gameplay loops of throw the skulls or dash about with them. The other weapons just feel more satisfying to build for and use, imo, or more fitting as a sum of their parts? Maybe that’s the sentiment with others?

  3. mel skull with aphro attack is my go-to build for 32 fear and higher. even better if i can get bolstered and possessed array. with just those four core build aspects i can clear the 5 minute timer on the surface EZ

  4. I just got the game last month; this was the weapon I first got to Chronos with, and I beat him that run. I've since gotten to him a few more times with other weapons, but haven't gotten that second win yet. I don't know how much of that was using this weapon vs the build I had, but if people hate this I don't understand why.

  5. My biggest annoyance w Argent skull is when I fight the sea serpent midboss in Oceanus and my skull flies into a corner cause the snake moved position 😔😔😔

    Apart from that I love perse aspect

  6. I think removing the need for manual pickup would be a big improvement to the skull. Shooting skulls at enemies is awesome. Picking up skulls ends up being kinda tedious though. The special feels boring to me though, its too reminiscent of the shield.

  7. I remember you made another video with this title of "people don't like the skulls" and a lot of the comments were confused because they had never seen anyone complain about it before

    everything is so silly when you miss out on a little bit of info from somewhere where you didn't see it haha

  8. Argent skull is ok, though, it does feel like it's missing something. It is kinda weird to have a ranged weapon that has an incentive to attack close up… I just realized that the hidden aspect is probably going to be hades cast from hades 1… well, anyway, maybe it should have a dashe-strike, like he said. The dash-strike could be Mel slamming the skull into the ground to have it explode on her. Could make it work with wide grin, too. Make it to where the skulls don't have to bounce for the auto return to make it more viable. It sounds like, and looks like, the problem is more about how it feels to use rather than how much damage it does, as it does feel a little clunky. One of the problems is the aspect of medea, as it works VERY differently from the other two. I'm not sure how you can make it feel less clunky without going all in on making it close range despite being a long range weapon.

  9. Wow, how bizarre to see a video responding to my feedback! A shame my 2nd post regarding this wasn't shown but I posted it a couple days after my first feedback after you must of recorded(love your videos). I never thought the weapon was weak, I thought it was unfun to play with the attack, mostly because of how long the skulls take to drop. The codependency on the hammers I am speaking to, is it feeling codependent on hammers to feel fun to use at all. Since posting that, I made a commitment to give the weapons another chance, and I posted my feedback regarding that experience… I still think the skulls attacks need some tweaking, but I really am enjoying supergiants vision for the weapon, it IS fun in early game if you are willing to use omega special to pick up skulls far away from you or spamming them point blank for the quicker pickup. Apologies if my feedback was confusing

  10. In total honesty, I always thought that Mel skull + aphro attack would become the speedrun meta because of how easy it is to set up and it's consistent damage. It has really good AoE damage (for just pressing one button) and great single target, and if you get the rhythm down correctly you can pretty much just never run out of skulls. It has some really good followups too that just take it even farther and keep it ahead of the curve.

    And despite what a lot of people said, I don't think it's nearly as hammer or rarity/pom dependent as people say. For speedruns I can see some pickiness with only going for Epic/Heroic attack but for casual runs Rare works really well. Plus the poms scale super duper well with Aphro attack. It was the combo that got me through my first clear of this game and got me all my clears up to 40 heat so idk. Maybe there is something major I'm missing.

  11. Beat 32 fear today for the first time! Aspect of Than with an absolutely disgusting omega attack build (weed killer, flutter strike, and +144% damage from Chaos infusion). Weirdly enough, I couldn't manage to get Aphro's legendary even though I had all the requirements and there weren't any other boons I could take (it literally gave me spare wealth even though the legendary was elegible. I know Aphro legendary is kinda bad but that would be an extra 36% Chaos damage).

  12. Skull is a VERY safe weapon, one of my first clears on Chronos without learning yet his patterns was Skull and Heph attack (A really hated combo) it really helped me to burst and kite doing a really clean clear, it's really different and relies on certain boons like most weapons

  13. The aphro-mel skull combo was probably my easiest 32 fear run (apart from broken gain+charon) back in update 2 i think, back when torches were really bad (might have even been update 1) and the 0 magic fear was almost required simply because it was the original aspect that just doesn't require any setup. You get aphro attack, origination and you're good to go. It's kinda boring and the new mel axe now fills the same niche now, but this still is just a really solid aspect

  14. Number one skull enjoyer here, got some of my first clears on this weapon and I have no idea why everyone hates it?? The explosions feel so good and the I-frames in the omega special are super helpful


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