Artemis Bow CRUSHES This High Heat Challenge! | Let's Play Hades

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10 thoughts on “Artemis Bow CRUSHES This High Heat Challenge! | Let's Play Hades”

  1. Pickles popular here (E Europe): cabbage, cucumber, peppers, cauliflower, tomatoes, watermelon, maybe asparagus (mostly bought, but it's goooood). I'm not a fan of pickled tomatoes and melon, tho' I love fresh tomatoes.

    Ever heard of the Century egg
    from Taiwan?

  2. i suspect the reason that heroic Hunter Dash didn't do much was because of Hyper Sprint: if u watch the Hades fight, most of your shots are not technically dash-attacks, u sprint a little bit after each dash, which i think counts as a regular attack.

  3. I recently got back into Hades and I have now idea how Poseidon's "Huge Catch" legendary made it into the final version because it's the worst. Doesn't increase the chance for a very rare fish to be caught, doesn't increase the window for the perfect catch, doesn't remove the "chambers since the last fishing spot" limit, doesn't guarantee a fishing spot in Hades' fight and it has 2 requirements because "it's a legendary LMAO". And he's also the only god with 2 legendary boons (because Hermes can't offer both of his in the same run). What were the devs thinking?


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