#aethergazer #aethergazerglobal
Thank you all for the support!
In today’s video I wanted to talk about some of the best teams for Hades that you can put together to get the most out of her!
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Kinda early gang XD
I might mainly go with the preferred partner for hades for team up ult with a healer cause that what I’ve been using for most of my teams
No Meta!
lost my 50/50 on Hera, when do you think she'll come back ?
im siting on 0ver 30k shifted stars cant wait for hades
I told them in the survey that if I don’t get hades im quitting. Hope they saw it.
I started this game week ago and did 2scan got SS Hera and S rank poseidon (she was last s rank in pity) i have 15k gem i guess i can guarantee hades right ? And one more question shop functor is good for her ?
These last few days are long af lol
Skip. Waiting for Athena.
Already Have Hera and Poseidon Max… Hades is the only one i need for dps to complete my Olympus Team ❤️
This is the longest 1 day of wait time I have experienced evahhhhh 😅😅😅😅
Does Oneroi and Hel’s dark damage increase stack?
Hi, which is better to roll 2 copies of hades or a copy of hades and her functor.
I didn't get Hera S rank cuz i'm afraid that i won't have enough left to pull for Hades, does S rank Hera will have her rerun in the future?
I will be running hera hel and hades. Most likely hel on point since my favorite character is her and ill switch between her n hades lmao
My team will be Hodur, Hades and Hera. i love playing with Hodur.
Just start playing, 2 days ago, got Hera just from the early resource, now I have only 2.5k gems, but a LOT of content to grind to get Hades. I am only on chapter 3-4 normal and only lvl 26
For CC Jin-Ei is pretty good to. Is only a bit repetitive…
Imma use hera and Hades with her A
Me who listening bout a character that i will skip in favor of shu 😂
Oh man I'm dying out here ,,she is coming today folks!!!! Let's gooooo
Hades onei hera
Hades onei hel
Hades hel hera
Hades hel hodur
Niche teams can add
Hades onei tyr
Also, you do not need to build onei if you don't want to, level 1 onei with 3 nibel is more than enough to clear all content with hades, just use the pink meow to make sure she doesn't die