I almost PFC this chart a little over a year ago. I’ve been wanting to PFC it for quite some time, but I just haven’t had much with it for a while. That all changed today. On my 2nd set of the day while warming up, I finally PFCd the chart on my 2nd try for the day.
Nice to get another hard 15 out of the way. The stepjumps in this are one tough thing, but I think the ending crossovers are also equally as hard when it comes to this chart.
Was recorded at NRS.
Oh the memories of SuperNOVA 2’s rating system…and jank-ass boss songs.
Anyways, there was a time when I was going to clear every single DSP chart in the game, and I didn’t have a lot of green 15 FCs.. Once I came across it, I green lamped it first try! As for the score? 982k! Never got a higher score, never visited the chart again.
Now you really got all the Jun 15 PFCs
The background used to scare alot of people back when they were kids.