Gaming Journalists Double Standard EXPOSED With Hades 2 and Stellar Blade

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47 thoughts on “Gaming Journalists Double Standard EXPOSED With Hades 2 and Stellar Blade”

  1. hades esthetic is what i call "american anime like trash" bc in my opinion it has the worst of anime style, that is the cringy faces, wierdly thinner bodies and ofc akward gay vibes, usually real anime shit has one of these but no the 3 at the same time you can't put cringy faces with lame bodies or brightness in bodies with no thickness bc it will look wierd, not very apealing probably that's why it's safe horny and only wierdoes would like it.

  2. They criticize Eve from Stellar Blade because (in their opinion) she represents the conventional female beauty standard, which they think is problematic. Whereas the female characters from Hades 2 represent a rejection of those beauty standards (hence the big arms, gray skin, unconventional hairstyles and makeup) which they view as progressive and empowering.

  3. let me get this straight if a straight female gamer, a lesbian, or a bisexual women like characters like eve then they are porn addicts but if she like any of hot female gods in hades 2 especially Aphrodite who is literally naked she is praised.

  4. Gotta disagree here. The Inverse article makes a solid point that it's not the inclusion of sexiness that's an issue, it's how it's utilized where the discrepancy lies. Aphrodite in HD2 owns her sexual appeal, whereas the character in Stellar Blade is just a blank doll and has no awareness of her sexuality.

  5. Hello Alex, how are you doing? I hope you are feeling better now, since u were sick all week.
    I have a question. Since you are a steam Deck knower who I trust. Do you think Hades 2 Test/Preview will Run on the Steam Deck?Regards

  6. About nice looking characters … I played RE2 last week. Claire looks really nice in the game, cute even. Not a over the top model, or some ugly one. Just a normal young woman. Although if people nag about the stellar blade actress which looks absolutely fine, or the gaming figure, the same idi0ts might do the same with miss Redfield or even Ada. To White, to skinny, etc. People need to stfu and stop whining about good looking people in games and other media. Mostly done by insecure Woke karens, with colored hair and a mustache on their upperlip 😅 😊

  7. The fact that the double standard between Hades 2 and Stellar Blade is dumb. Hell the true winners in this case is Rule 34 artists. They can make anything nsfw out of a character just by the trailer 😂

    Also, Alex missed a double salt Friday with Playstation fanboys fuming over report that Xbox games took over their store….unless he's covering it on Saturday stream?

  8. They’re not just being horny, they are saying shit that is really gross. Like just be gay, you don’t have to be disgusting.
    Or even a deviant to be gay.
    But then yet again I guess they aren’t gay, they are LGBTP.
    So I guess they have to be gross and a deviant.

  9. I wish people were excited to play Hades 2, not this garbage. Hades was a gigantic success and a really good game that showed us the true power of Indies and how to make a roguelike thats loved by the masses, which wasn't done to that degree of success before, why is this the discussion about Hades 2? Tired of these woke dimwits that don't belong in this industry.

  10. I wish I enjoyed Hades, I'm just not wired for Rogue-like/light style games. I did enjoy the characters and setting because I am a big mythology buff. The music was top-tier as well.

    The characters are yummy in both games and Eve is very much my type.

  11. Whats wild is that people still dont know how to pronounce the vampire lady's name from RE Village…the 'escu' at the end of her name is not silent. You need to pronounce it phonetically.

  12. Listen…. Do some characters make me horny on main, YES! Abso-fuckin-lutely. Men, Women, Trans, etc, I don’t care yes they can make me horny and I’m ok with that. At the same time, I don’t care if a character is ugly or not attractive if it fits the game. My criteria is that the game be good and playable. That’s it. I wish ppl would stop crying about not hot characters and characters and just enjoy shit. Play some fuckin game and get the fuck off twitter.

  13. its crazy how much media attention steller blade got just becuase she is hot.And the based devs didnt give a crap on what western people say its actuelly crazy how soft people have become

    EDIT:who hasnt been a little horny over a hot character in games😂 at the end of the day its men of culture

  14. If the developers, Shift Up came out and said Eve was lesbian, Bi or trans, the entire narrative would change instantly. That’s why they are doing it. Bullying. The fact the CEO said get stuffed has infuriated them. Now they are trying to push Hades 2 narrative into the media to take light and conversation away from Stellar Blade. Classic tactics. I’m glad you showed the person’s tweets. Receipts are going to be a great way to show how nasty these people actually are. I also think it’s disgusting how disabled people have been treated, now they are being sexualised to win an argument. Pretty low. I bet they won’t walk the streets and shout ‘oh my god, hot daddy’ at a fat man in a wheelchair…….its purely for the internet for their own personal ESG score equivalence.

  15. Dang… I thought this channel was informative gaming tech showcases, tutorials, and benchmarks… Now it’s useless opinions about even more useless drama. I even subscribed…

    Time to fix that.

  16. Swear all this bias with stellar blade is crazy to the fetishization of being fat or handicapped is rather odd. it's literally the uzaki-chan thing when all are so strong against one thing but another to all else are "ok" since it's not THIS ONE THING in particular.

    Now, can imagine who played the 1st game……


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