Hades – Lament of Orpheus

Hades was created by Supergiant Games and released for Windows, macOS, and Nintendo Switch on September 17 2020. Its soundtrack was composed (and largely performed) by Darren Korb.

Hades is easily one of the best games created in the past couple of years – I think I would make this claim even if you didn’t like rouge-like’s very much. One of the multitude reasons is the spectacular soundtrack. The original however relies largely on stringed instruments which don’t always translate well to brass.

Despite this, I recently (and finally) purchased a piccolo trumpet of my own (rather than relying on the borrowing from others) and wanted a good piece to show it off. I think the counter-tenor of Orpheus worked really well in this regard. I don’t think I quite managed to capture the enthralling effect you get when you first hear Orpheus’ Lament, but hopefully I’m not too far off!

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