Hades is a roguelike action role-playing video game developed and published by Supergiant Games. The game was released for Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch on September 17, 2020, which followed an early access release from December 2018. Players control Zagreus, the son of Hades, as he attempts to escape from Underworld to reach Mount Olympus, at times aided by gifts bestowed on him from the other Olympians. Each run challenges the player through a random series of rooms populated with enemies and rewards, and the player uses a combination of their main weapon attack, dash power, and magic ability to defeat them while avoiding damage to progress as far as possible. While Zagreus will often die, the player can use gained treasure to improve certain attributes or unlock new weapons and abilities to improve chances of escaping on subsequent runs.
I’ve been streaming a variety of games over on twitch! You can find my channel here ► https://www.twitch.tv/MFPallytime
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That social media nonsense.
End card Music: Peacock by 7 Minutes Dead
Hm, on one hand it would be a very fitting end to conclude the series with the Race today but it is just so much fun watching you so I'm not sure.
Go for 100% Achievements. I hear you can even get Skelly to admit who hired him!
I want to see a 100% hades completion. Or at least finish up the prophecies
You talk to skelly right now young man or im gonna start writing mean comments about Cerberus. Yeah you heard me…
I love the ending. but you gotta see the gods comments after (ares is a hades fanboy and i love it). Plus what about Nyx and Chaos or Achilles and our boy Patrocolus?
8:20 OMG!! RSI !?!?!? Mate, please play Star Citizen next year!!
cool series, didn't watch too many of them but I really liked the ones with major plot points.
I say keep going, there's a lot to still uncover. A few character storylines to work on and prophecies to finish. I love seeing your reaction to a lot of things so want to see you keep playing.
You still haven’t unlocked the Cerberus Summon.
You need to pet him more for that.
Ow hell yeah please continue
Keep playing my dude, if only for Achilles' sake. As a personal aside, I hope they add in a DLC / Expansion pack or whatnot, Hestia and Hephaestus. As a Greek myself I would love to see the whole pantheon of our mythology get represented there.
your "streaming from the toilet" bit alone earned a like and subscribe
6:21 Icy what you did here
Congrats Pally!! It was one hell of a ride (>ã……<)b
I can see Arctic Blast as good for speed runs, extra insta damage, but for a Chill based run it sounds unnecessary.
i hope you keep going
You've got to get that 3rd statue! I need to see more glorious Skelly 🤪
Zues showing up this run! Can't stop before you get that third Skelly.
I'll keep watching Hades videos for as long as you keep releasing them <3
Im still super keen to see the chaos reunion
i wana see nyx and miss chaos hang out again ♥♥♥
OFC!!! There’s still plenty to do!
I think most of us won't consider the game done until we see the 32 Heat success… so take your time. We'll be here.
Got to say, I was super disappointed we didn't get to see the gods and only got dialogue.
22:26 mad respect to that guy who suggest pally to make content in the toilet bwahahaha~~
ps: please do make more videos of hades, ive been catching up your videos~
Pleas finish the story lines and then give us highlights of you pushing high heat. Similar to the high difficulty rifts you used to do in Diabolo.
"Ooh! Are all these projectiles for me?" He says aloud, knowing full well all his opponents with this weapon are thinking the EXACT FUCKING THING!
Please keep going. I'd love to see you finish everything. Youve kept saying through the whole series that you're a completionist at heart, and so am I so I'd love to watch you check off all the prophecies, storylines, and experiment with every companion and weapon.
Still some stuff we dont know about.
Please keep making these videos 🙂 really enjoying it <3
keep at it m/
Please Pally do more Dota!! thats awesome
I would love it if you kept the Hades content coming!
52:50 Dusa having second thoughts?
I laughed so hard when DionÃsio was the first to recognize that it was a first rate invitation when not even Athena could recognize lmao
Keep cranking em out I'll keep watching.
Yes pls give me more Pally I love this whole series <3
Keep playing to at least 100. You've got loose ends to tie up.
I would love for you to keep making videos. 100% the game, try and get a sub 10 min run, I wanna see it all
Give me more
More Hades pls and thank you pally ^^
You don’t have every achievement brah!
keep playing for sure! 100% this great game 😀 also, you need to unlock that last skelly statue right? 😉
you need to platinum this game.
I do love this series but also totally understand if you want to take a break from it.