What would Zagreus do? (Hades 1 boons only) – Runs#47 – Light Commentary | Hades 2 Early Access

Okay, we might’ve gone overboard with the thumbnail, but I thought the chibis were soo cute, anyways.
We are going back to memory lane with this one. We got quite far, but it’s sometimes important to look back at the friends we made along the way. That includes the OG friends! That’s right, we’re officially starting the Hades 1 challenge, and legit this time. We’re starting with keepsakes so it’s foolproof. This’ll be the judgement run from these this week’s videos. I think I’ll take a break from those.

– cute Medea and Heracles dynamic
– Hades 1 Run
– Old narcissus dialogue likely. pitchforks down.

Fast Pass:
00:00 Run 47
01:37 Medea
02:56 Return 1
08:26 Artemis
09:55 Return 1
13:40 Polyphemus
18:20 Rift of Thessaly
24:35 Circe
26:42 Return 2
29:06 Eris…
31:37 Home
35:09 Run 47 (Hades 1)
35:50 Master Chaos
36:35 Return 1
39:35 Nemesis
41:04 Arachne
42:08 Return 1
43:33 Hecate
46:18 Oceanus
49:24 Narcissus
50:40 Return 2
51:57 Scylla~
55:35 Fields of Mourning
58:43 Echo
59:31 Return 3
1:02:26 Infernal Cerberus
1:06:08 Tartarus
1:08:09 Father
1:08:43 Return 4
1:11:12 Chronos
1:16:52 Home

#hades #hades2


8 thoughts on “What would Zagreus do? (Hades 1 boons only) – Runs#47 – Light Commentary | Hades 2 Early Access”

  1. If you're using the Aspect of Momus, there's no reason not to use the special to drop another lil turret.

    ED: Heracles and Medea do know each other, yes. They were both members of the Argonauts.

    ED #2: Circe's aversion to moly is because Odysseus used it to protect himself from her magic

  2. 4:00 They'd mentioned in the patch notes that they clarified the wording on that. I'm glad they did, the new wording is a lot more clear about what is or isn't affected, though I'm not entirely sure what it means by "rare resources".

    12:35 Honestly, I'm surprised it took that long to trigger. 20% isn't that low, and you've collected plenty of rewards it could trigger on.

    14:44 If I were to guess, it's probably both.

    25:15 Remember when I said that Od was given herbs to protect him from Circe's magic? Yeah, according to the wikipedia I read, it was, in fact, Moly that he was given by Hermes.

    55:15 And your 4th god for the run, meaning the god pool is now full so you won't get any others offered.

    1:17:44 Okay, I get that she's trying to mess with Mel, but couldn't she have chosen something a little bit more believable to start off with?

  3. Run1 – Momus!

    Like I've said before, Medea and Heracles have a lot in common, being screwed over both by the Gods and by fate. Heracles deals with it through standoffishness and open anger, while Medea deals with it through vengance and subterfuge. I really like that they've been paired together in Ephyra.

    Getting Eternity after beating Polyphemus was sooooooooo lucky, after you used up the Cat Defiance. Thank goodness.

    Run 2 – ZAG

    HADES 1 RUN LET'S GOOOOOOOOO! I am the definition of excited! Let's do this thing! And you're starting with Demeter! Hamstir! You continue spoiling me! 😁

    Nemesis, I know you guys are being kinda stealthy and stuff but. They call it Strength in numbers for a reason girl. Eh, they are trying to hide it from Hecate either way, but if she wasn't so against it, them working together would be so nice! (Especially for all the Nemeli shippers out there.)

    I was kinda hoping Chronos would send you to Asphodel during Oceanus to really help with the Hades 1 feeling. Alas, there is no way to control that.

    I'm so glad you went for the Mana in the Mourning Fields, you were priming quite a lot of it and I was getting worried lol. I think you got a Boon from every Hades 1 God except for Artemis this run!

    As for NPC's, I feel like they're fine, their buffs are either very temporary or just gifts. Like I don't think getting Stardust from Narcissus made the run any easier. You're good lol. I guess if you wanna be a Purist, I guess don't do the NPCs, but I feel like they are fine. And I am the maker of the challenge so I decide!


  4. 6:49 That's advice I'll gladly take.

    11:05 then why didn't you let Eros share his love with Psyche, _Aphrodite_?

    11:32 Definetly Hermes.

    24:49 The way you shook your cursor tells me you really do love chanting along.

    25:27 "you need no such protection in this place" was said in a very hasty and defensive manner. We got dirt on you, Circe.

    29:18 I thought we were cool, Eris?!

    29:53 is it just me, or is this going quicker than usual?

    36:32 never saw this fish! :O so majestic.

    48:30 To be fair: you didn't have armour in Hades 1, so now it's more accurate! 😀

    48:56 So, it's his fault, because he casts them out and thus they wander where Melinoë is. Got it.

    1:17:49 liar liar pants on fire.

    1:19:53 I also look forward to Lord Moros. Hugging me. Caressing me, whispering sweet nothings to me. His voice is so calming.

    I always love myself a good Thanatos run. Congrats on the Zagreus challenge! You dids it!
    Don't worry about the end of early access. We can always chuck more challenges at you. :3 Nah kidding.
    I am eepy right now. Still, I am looking forward to your Ygnium run. Let's get that old bag with Moros' help. What if you also used engraved pin on Chronos while using torches on Moros aspect. Haha just kidding, unless…?


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